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I, in the middle of the History

2019 - 2020


I, in the Middle of History is a workshop where children and youth develop their own voices through the arts of WRITING, SOUND and COOKING. By reading and telling stories, we learn to write better. And we write to tell stories and read better.


The writing school extends over four days and takes place in conservation worthy, newly restored buildings, previously used by the fishermen farmers at Kvalnes. The pupils have named the place Villa Lofoten CAMP. They bring facts about their ancestors along with pictures. The specific surroundings and each individual pupil’s family history are used as frameworks for oral and written narratives. The pupils are invited to think about timeless human themes and in what way each of them constitutes a small piece of cultural history. They articulate their selves in relation to the historical sizes they encounter in the abandoned fishing village, and expand their vocabulary, through facing objects and environments from the past - in new contexts.

We have completed the workshop I, in the Middle of History with 6th and 9th grades from Bøstad school. Author Kjersti Wold was the guest teacher for the 6th grade together with class teacher Elisabeth Krogtoft in May 2019. The author Endre Ruset, composer Camilla Barrat-Due and chef Cecilie Steinkjer were teachers for the 9th grade together with their class teacher Gørild Jensen in January 2020.

Art historian and producer Aaslaug Vaa is the project manager.


During both camps the parents came to visit.


The pupils, writers, composer, chef, teachers and project manager thank the Arts Council Norway and Vestvågøy Municipality for supporting the realization of this pilot project. We will use our experience to develop a three-year project over the same reading. 

Jeg fant, jeg fant!


I juni 2015 deltok 9. klasse ved Bøstad skole på Vestvågøy i Lofoten i en tre dagers film- og fotoworkshop i regi av Lofoten BygdeFilmFest. Målet med workshopen var at elevene skulle oppsøke den rike kultur- og naturhistorien på Borge på i Vestvågøy, og dokumentere sine opplevelser der gjennom kameraet. Tilbake i klasserommet valgte elevene ut sine beste og mest interessante fotografier etter diskusjon med hverandre og workshoplederne. Dette resulterte i en utstilling og et bildespill.

Workshopsledere: Acacia Johnson & Tor Edvin Eliassen

Konsept og produsent: Aaslaug Vaa


I påsken 2015 kom et dusin tilreisende til Villa Lofoten for å lære å høste og konservere tang. Linnéa Sjögren, Jonas Pettersson og Michael Roleda delte sjenerøst sin kunnskap om ulige tangsorter, høstingmetoder og konservering. De lekreste retter kom på bordet, alle med smak av umami. 

Linnéa og Jonas driver Catxalot, mens marinbiolog Michael Roleda, som er født på Filippinene, arbeider på NIBIO i Bodø. Matjournalist Nina Frogneborn fra Sveriges Radio var også med. Hør hennes radioreportasje her. 

Arrangør Catxalot og Villa Lofoten